The King’s High-Seer has passed away after a long and faithful service. Now the King is uncertain of the future and its many challenges and the position for a new High-Seer needs to be filled as soon as possible. The word is put forth to the villages that the search for a successor has begun. Now it is up to the Village seers to show their might.
A challenge has been issued; the seers need to create the most accurate weather prophecies in the upcoming weeks in order to be called to service the King, yielding the highest honour to their village.
Vedur is an action selection deck-builder game for 2 – 4 players, ages 14 years and older. There are two versions of the game, the Basic game and the Advanced game. The playing time is about 10 minutes per player in the basic game, 20 minutes per player in the advanced game.
In Vedur, players take on the role of one of the 4 village Seers, each having their own way to foresee and accumulate their visions of the future in order to reveal their weather prophecies.
They visit their village townsfolk to search for omens that they can then use to predict the weather in the most powerful and reliable way through ancient omen-lore, rituals and spirit-talking. They can even open up a portal to their preferred spirit realm, seeking aid directly from the elemental spirits.
When the King is content, he will call the most accurate Seer to the court to become his new High-seer.
May the most resourceful Seer prevail!